Connect Programmatic Media to our B2B Data Segments​.

Add our award winning solution to your tech

Trusted by global media agencies.

A new dawn for
B2B Targeting

Deterministic B2B targeting Audiences are determined by their company IP address.

Overlay your own targeting
Cookie segments
Media White Lists
Optimise for engagement

A new dawn for
B2B Targeting

Deterministic B2B targeting
Audiences are determined by their company IP address.
Overlay your own targeting
Cookie segments
Media White Lists
Optimise for engagement

Over 10, 000 syndicated B2B data segments across 40+ B2B properties


Select companies based on the industry / vertical in which they operate.

B2B lifestyle segments

Target audiences that share characteristics due to the nature of their job, i.e. healthcare workers, public sector employees, university students.

Company size

If Enterprise and SMB have different needs, why not take this into account for segmentation?


Select only companies in market for specific IT related solutions.


Many B2B product and services have better fit depending on the technology already in place in the B2B targets.

Custom Segment

Tailored targeting based on list of companies of your choice or combination of different criteria.


AccountInsight integrates firmographics, technographics and intent data signals, both at the company level (top down) with individual level (bottom up), creating unique B2B data segments targetable on programmatic media.

Reach your Total Addressable Market with 100% accuracy.

Weight your media investments based on your most valuable clients (ie ABM).

Weight your media investments based on intent signals.

Personalize Content and advertisements.

Identify Accounts interested in your offering for later nuturing.

1 B2B Universe - 3 Solutions​

Deliver effective B2B campaigns using AccountInsight’s highly targeted B2B data segments.

Select the Audience that’s right for you

Difference audiences can be created using the following options: