Google’s Cookie U-Turn: Why B2B Advertisers Still Need Specialised DSPs

B2B Cookie Apocalypse

Google’s recent announcement to continue supporting third-party cookies in Chrome, reversing its 2020 plan to phase them out, has stirred the digital advertising world. However, this decision doesn’t significantly impact the fundamental landscape for B2B marketers. The need for purpose-built B2B Demand-Side Platforms (DSPs) remains critical. When we launched AccountInsight in 2018, our objective was […]

Top 5 Benefits of a B2B DSP

Top 5 Benefits of a B2B DSP

Traditional display advertising relies on vague demographics and unreliable cookie targeting. This results in an inefficient ‘spray-and-pray’ approach. Furthermore, news around the Google Privacy Sandbox highlight the inaccuracy and contradictions of targeting cookie audience data. These issues reveal the irony of relying on third-party cookies, which struggle with GDPR compliance and accurate targeting. Fortunately, purpose-built […]

The Rise of B2B DSPs & Identity Solutions

The Rise of B2B DSPs & Identity Solutions

Transforming Targeted Advertising for Business Growth In the ever-evolving landscape of digital advertising, the emergence of B2B DSPs (Demand-Side Platforms) marks a pivotal shift towards more tailored and effective marketing strategies for B2B marketers. Traditionally, B2B companies have faced challenges in adopting DSP technology due to its historical focus on B2C needs (read more about […]

Ensuring Trust and Transparency in Digital Advertising: Our Multi-Layered Approach to Combating Fraud

Combating Digital Advertising Fraud

Ad verification technology in B2B Display Advertising faces scrutiny as marketers question its efficacy against modern fraud. Issues like fraud, ID spoofing, and dubious websites continue to plague marketers. At AccountInsight, we acknowledge these challenges and have crafted a robust, multi-tiered strategy to uphold data integrity and combat fraudulent activities effectively. Key Components of Our […]

Combining Brand Awareness and Customer Loyalty Strategies

Combining Brand Awareness and Customer Loyalty Strategies

Building brand awareness and driving customer loyalty are pivotal goals for businesses, especially in the B2B sector. While B2C brands often have a straightforward approach to engaging consumers, B2B marketers can adapt and learn from these strategies to tackle their unique challenges. Account-Based Advertising for Enhanced Brand Awareness Account-based advertising proves highly effective for B2B […]

The B2B post-cookie targeting playbook

Practical advice for uncovering your B2B brand’s target audience in a cookieless era The decline of third-party cookies is reshaping programmatic advertising, particularly in targeting behavioral segments. This shift necessitates a reevaluation of strategies to ensure effective B2B targeting in cookieless environments. As traditional methods reliant on third-party cookies become obsolete, exploring solutions that offer both B2B focus […]

How to maximise your return with targeted b2b marketing

It’s difficult to remember a time before digital and content marketing. Thankfully, those days are long gone. Nowadays, we have the ability to reach and engage target audiences through various online channels such as website, social media, and email.  It’s no surprise that digital and content marketing have become so popular, they offer cost-effective and […]

AccountInsight to take Ignite B2B by storm

Technology’s increasingly rapid development requires constant innovation for B2B Agencies to keep pace with the needs of marketing and sales teams. Our session at this year’s B2B Marketing Ignite London 2022 will explore how accurate data and precision account-targeting can help B2B agencies improve the results of their marketing and sales strategies. Using real world […]

Accountinsight wins the award for ‘Emerging vendor of the year’ in the B2B Martech Awards.

Find out how its account-based advertising platform ( i.e. a B2B DSP) built for media and B2B agencies and won the Gold for ‘Emerging B2B martech vendor of the year’. This award highlights companies that have found innovative ways to attract, engage and propel the B2B Martech space to new growth and success. A journey with […]