AccountInsight_Blog_ABA_ Five steps to achieve Account-Based Marketing (ABM) success

Five steps to achieve Account-Based Marketing (ABM) success

If you want to bring some joy to your Account-Based Marketing (ABM) campaigns, then check out these five key areas in which you need to excel. Good news is that these are not about technology but rather about having the right process in place so really this is just about making sure the fundamentals are there.

1. Account Selection

Don’t throw darts at a piece of paper and hope for the best. Pick the accounts which you know intimately and ones that enjoy great insight.

This can come from your internal Sales teams, your CRM, account engagement score, intent providers. No matter the source, pick the accounts with which you are totally familiar, and that includes who are the key decision makers, what they do, how they buy goods and services, and how they operate. Blend in your own strategies and objectives, and you have a good platform from which to start.

2. Content

So many teams sweat the processes, the profiles and the desired outcomes, yet fail to ensure that the relevant content is in place.

Do not push your content but rather engage, enforce, educate and entertain. It is not about you it should all be about them.

If you mess up on the message, you will quickly find yourself with less potential customers than you started with.

3. Tactical Vision

If you can properly combine the account-based marketing (ABM) plan, together with the content and channel delivery, then you will be most of the way there to creating a highly successful ABM campaign. Great planning is all about making sure you have good vision across all your channels and that you understand as to how each channel fits into the overall picture.

4. Multi-Channel Delivery

If you don’t think about your best delivery mechanisms, once the nuts and bolts are all in place, then you will struggle to build upon the strong foundations. So, you will need to consider all the weapons at your disposal, including account based advertising, tele-marketing, emails, website, social platforms and search marketing.

5. Measurement

If your KPI are not in place and directed towards the right targets, your efforts will be wasted. Measurement has to be centred on the level of activity within the chosen account. In other words, has the chosen account bought and if not, why not?

If your sales cycles are longer than your reporting schedule ( which is very often the case in B2B sales), you need to look for KPIs that show uplift engagement, opportunity creation, sales meetings bookings, in short, all the measurements that show Sales progress.

Final Word

Account-Based Marketing (ABM) campaigns usually fail because most people look at the parts of the process in isolation. They fail to see that ABM is all about orchestrating a large number of elements, right from Programmatic B2B to research to telemarketing, in order to bring all the components successfully together and drive results.

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