AccountInsight_Blog_ABA_ Programmatic Account-Based Marketing- shaping the future with insight

Programmatic Account Based Marketing: shaping the future with insight

Over the past few months, we’ve been working hard at developing our Programmatic ABM targeting capabilities so we can provide brea

At AccountInsight, we have been diligently developing cutting-edge Programmatic Account Based Marketing (ABM) targeting capabilities. We are excited to announce three major enhancements that provide breakthrough AdTech solutions for B2B Marketers and Agencies.

Key Challenges Addressed with Programmatic Account Based Marketing

Our enhancements address several critical B2B marketing challenges. Marketers often struggle with personalising campaigns at scale, especially when targeting larger, high-value accounts. Additionally, leveraging firmographic and persona-level data effectively has been a persistent hurdle. Our solutions are designed to overcome these obstacles, enabling the creation of highly-targeted, cost-effective campaigns that resonate with decision-makers in key accounts.

Preliminary Results

The preliminary results from our beta release have been exceptionally promising. Customers participating in the program have experienced significant benefits across various metrics. Notably, 84% of marketers reported pipeline growth, while 77% saw tangible revenue growth. Perhaps most impressively, 72% of participants cited higher ROI when our solutions were used as part of orchestrated multichannel campaigns. These early indicators suggest a substantial positive impact on B2B marketing effectiveness.

Our Three Key Enhancements

  1. Precision-Targeted Programmatic ABM

This innovative approach allows you to:

  • Target a large number of accounts
  • Show content only to individuals actively engaging with relevant media
  • Focus on precision rather than broad reach
  • Target decision-makers within key accounts based on specific content consumption behaviours
  1. AI-Powered Lookalike B2B Audiences

Leveraging advanced AI and machine learning, we now offer:

  • Targeting of individuals at selected accounts
  • Identification of prospects with digital behaviour similar to your best existing customers
  • Improved accuracy in reaching potential high-value clients
  1. Dynamic Active Media Optimization

Our dynamic approach ensures:

  • Your banner ads are incorporated into premium media sites of your choice
  • Increased user acceptance and engagement with advertising
  • Contextually relevant ad placements
  • A sophisticated, multi-touch approach acknowledging the non-linear B2B buying journey

The Combined Impact of Programmatic Account Based Marketing

By integrating these three enhancements, our solution delivers a powerful synergy that transforms B2B marketing strategies. Marketers can now target more accounts with unprecedented precision, engaging the right individuals across premium media channels. This focused approach allows for the achievement of marketing goals with fewer impressions, significantly improving campaign efficiency and ROI. The result is a more effective, streamlined marketing process that delivers measurable results and drives business growth.

There’s never been a better time to partner with AccountInsight and boost your brand generation through B2B display advertising and Programmatic Account-Based Marketing. By embracing these cutting-edge techniques, you’ll stay ahead in the rapidly evolving world of B2B marketing and achieve breakthrough results for your business. Contact AccountInsight today to learn how our enhanced Programmatic ABM capabilities can transform your B2B marketing strategy.

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