AccountInsight_Blog_ABA_ Programmatic Account-Based Marketing- shaping the future with insight

Programmatic Account Based Marketing: shaping the future with insight

  • Over the past few months, we’ve been working hard at developing our Programmatic ABM targeting capabilities so we can provide breakthrough AdTech for B2B Marketers and Agencies. As such we are happy to announce three major enhancements:

  • Programmatic Account Based Marketing: Aim at a large number of accounts but only show your content to individuals actively reading media articles around specific topics or keywords. It effectively targets only individuals within key accounts with very specific content consumption behaviour. Here it is not about the reach of a large group of decision makers but about precision in targeting people actively interested in topics of your choice.
  • Lookalike B2B Audiences: We target at selected accounts of your choice people whose digital DNA is similar to your best existing customers.
  • Active Media Optimisation: Basically the your banners are incorporated into media sites of your choice dynamically. We do not try second-guessing where your ads. shuld appear. This greatly increases user acceptance of and willingness to engage with advertising.

The combination of all three results in the ability to target more accounts with more precision in engaging the right individuals & premium media with fewer impressions.

It’s never been a better time to talk to AccountInsight & boost your brand generation with B2B display advertisingProgrammatic Account-Based Marketing.

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