AccountInsight_Blog_ABA_How to implement a winning B2B Display Advertising Campaign

How to implement a winning B2B Display Advertising Campaign

There was nothing easy about B2B Display Advertising, to begin with when things just got harder. With most tech events gone for the foreseeable future, many B2B teams have lost an important piece of go-to-market. What now? How to best target accounts that are ready – how do we do this now? How do we adapt to the current situation? Looking at the B2B marketing roadmap for the second half of 2020 with the decision to put Account-based Advertising in the mix?

When it comes to B2B space, the buyer-seller relationship isn’t always the easiest to manage.

A LinkedIn survey found that 65% of B2B marketers believe that businesses grow by increasing loyalty, not by customer acquisition. In this context, what should organizations do?

Go for Account-Based Advertising, where you can actively target all stakeholders and influencers within an entire organization, helps to increase reach, awareness and share of voice vs your competitors – helping you deliver the right content, to the right people, in the right accounts.

A winning B2B Display Advertising campaign

1.            The WHY question.

What’s the main goal of your campaign? Is it to increase page views by your target accounts? Or converting clicks into leads?  Whatever it is, the key thing is to make sure everyone can run with it. Once you have the objective and the measurements associated with it, make sure you know how all intermediate KPIs contribute to this overall goal.

2.            The HOW question. 

Decide if you’re going to manage your programmatic within your ABM platform of maybe you’ll implement a specialist Programmatic solution coming from the media space. After all, programmatic is not trivial and sure a media company will do a better job than an off-the-shelve ABM solution. From one end of the spectrum to the other, you can choose to run some parts yourself and just be checking in every week or so the statistics from your programmatic partners.

3.            The WHERE question.

Even if you choose to outsource the programmatic display, do make sure you understand the platform and publishers you are using. If you have a niche B2B product make sure you have media deals available in the main verticals ( eg.Tech News Sites –this way you target IT experts)

Accelerated Sales

Your programmatic ad platform can be used to target your key accounts in business media, IT news but also social media.

According to IDC, spending on this area is the fastest-growing segment of digital advertising.

If you are in B2B, have long and complex sales cycles and need to communicate and influence a large number of stakeholders, B2B display advertising is the real answer.

You can be sure of taking the right path: success awaits the savvy marketer.

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