AccountInsight_Blog_ABA_ Intent-Based Advertising- how to reach the accounts that are in-market

Intent based marketing: how to reach the accounts that are in-market

With intent based marketing it’s now possible. In real time, to get your message in front of the accounts, as they’re actively searching for your products.

One of the most famous quotes from Lord Leverhulme, the founder of Unilever, is: – “Half the money I spend on advertising is wasted, and the trouble is I don’t know which half”. With most money going into digital now it is possible to be even more precise in targeting the right accounts.

Many Account-Based Marketing practitioners have enjoyed the benefits of ABA (Account-Based Advertising). They enables them to serve advertising messages to the key decision makers. This micro-targeting approach at company level is very powerful as it builds awareness and engagement with laser-focus precision.

Combining real-time data from media publishers with company IP identification it is possible to advertise in premium quality news sites. Display Ads are processed only to the accounts that are actively searching for your products and services.


Intent-Based Advertising at work…

The way Intent-Based Advertising works is very powerful. Select a number of key accounts and decide which keywords you want your ads to appear next to and which should be excluded. You can even brand your company next to specific products – even your competitor’s. We discover traffic from one of the accounts you selected and place your ad next to an article containing the keywords you specified.

After, say, one month of Intent-Based Advertising (IBA) you have sufficient engagement data to move to the next phase; account micro-targeting:


When you move to the micro-targeting phase we recommend that you select those accounts with the highest engagement score and increase the number of impressions. At the end of a project program, you’ll be able to create invaluable engagement data that will help them sales prioritize resources and speed up the sales process.

I’m sure that IBA would have changed the mind of Lord Leverhulme.


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