AccountInsight_Blog_ABA_ Challenging times with cov-19 for B2B marketing

Challenging times with cov-19 for B2B marketing

The past months have brought a dramatic change. So much happening in the world today, it is not easy for B2B Marketing teams to find their way while marketing budgets, allocated to industry events, are being transferred to digital marketing in the wake of the Coronavirus outbreak.

AccountInsight helps you accelerate the B2B digital journey: a free analysis of who is coming to your website and an offer to start testing your way with Account Based Advertising.

B2B Marketing as we knew is gone forever.

With so much uncertainty, we still know a few things to be true: times of turbulence, difficulty and crisis always provide a chance focus on the things that really matter. 

What does this mean to us as marketers?

  • B2B companies need to keep their brand recognition high, show that care, be able to generate demand in these difficult times.
  • Traditional marketing is broken. With events and face-to-face meetings gone, the move towards digital is only accelerating.
  • Before COVID-19, we already knew that B2B buyers remained anonymous for most of the buying cycle. This was the fundamental reason so many companies started to sell Intent-Based Data from analysis content consumption within B2B companies.
  • Home-work is the new king. Only companies with a 20-20 coordination between Marketing and Sales will successfully navigate these rough waters.

B2B Marketing is now shifting budgets from Events, Travel and Face to Face meetings to Account Based Advertising

With account-based advertising (ABA) you can direct your spend at the companies that are on your target list. If you do it intelligently you can target senior decision-makers and influencers working for these companies when they connect to their company’s infrastructure via VPN connections.

The need for companies to influence large and disperse teams is now stronger than ever. Only Account Based Advertising can achieve this efficiently

One of the most famous quotes from Lord Leverhulme, the founder of Unilever, is “Half the money I spend on advertising is wasted, and the trouble is I don’t know which half”.

That’s why we’ve put together the program Cov19 iCare that will help B2B teams with insights and ideas for your marketing strategy. Check for details on how you can benefit from a free analysis of who is coming to your website and an offer to start testing your way with Account-Based Advertising.

We are in this together!

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