Paul Frampton Podcast

Paul Frampton on Technology, Advertising & Media’s role in Marketing

This week’s Agency Dealmasters welcomes Paul Frampton, a respected customer and people-focused tech and marketing leader. It’s not often that we get to chat to someone with such an illustrious marketing career.

He’s currently president of marketing consultancy and agency Control v Exposed, which advises brands on media operating models, martech, data strategy and right housing. The agency also provides data driven activation and execution for all addressable media channels.

As host of the Time for a Reset podcast, Paul Frampton is no stranger to the medium and passionately shares his insights into the state of marketing in 2021.

Listen now if you’re interested in:

🔸 Transformation in the marketing industry

🔸 How to get the most value from your media budget

🔸 Why agency commercial models need to change

🔸 Media’s role in marketing

Enjoy the chat!

Paul Frampton is one of the most well-respected and well-known tech and marketing leaders thanks to his people-focused approach. His current role as president of marketing at consultancy and agency Control v Exposed (C&E) uses his vast experience to the full. The agency advises brands on various martech, data strategy and right housing through media operating models. He sat down with us to share some insights, from finding his purpose to the changes agencies need to start making. 

Transformation in marketing

Paul Frampton discovered at age 21 that he’d found his purpose: to drive and make effective changes in companies by working towards small, achievable goals. To this end, he’s succeeded in building a name for himself that marketers pay attention to. He hopes that his input will help to drive change in many areas.

One of the main areas of transformation that Frampton regularly focuses on is his hope to see more women in positions within marketing agencies. There has already been some significant growth in this area, but he believes that there’s still so much further to go to truly transform marketing into a place for all. 

Return on investment

From his years of experience, Paul Frampton knows that paid media and advertising is only one part of marketing. At the end of the day, every business out there has a baseline of sales that has nothing to do with advertising. So, while advertising definitely plays a large role in adding to profits, it’s not the be all and end all of where media budgets should be spent. 

Paul Frampton has often said in talks that he believes company CMOs spend less than 5-10% of their time thinking about media – especially paid media. Then they have agencies come in going: ‘you need to spend another five thousand on Google, and it’ll all be fine.’ That isn’t always realistic for the company’s media budget. A more appropriate customer-centric approach should be crafted. 

Changing how agencies are paid

When it comes to agency payment models, and having agency compensation that ties remuneration to performance – Paul Frampton says that the answer is yes, a change is needed. The role of an agency is only useful if it helps to drive the growth of the business in question. The outcome should always be revenue or greater profitability. 

While ideally linking performance to paid time for agencies may seem optimistic, agencies do deserve to be paid for their highly skilled and professional services. At the end of the day, the main ‘commission on spend’ model agencies use needs to slowly fade away, with agencies being open and willing to adapt to new payment models that work for everyone.

Build trust through leadership

In order to fully build trust with clients, strong leadership is required within an agency to take the helm and stay the course. Ensuring you have the right tools to run successful campaigns is another important aspect, and one that AccountInsight can assist with. Get in touch to see how we can help you.

Listen to our other Account Based Marketing Podcasts for more useful industry insights:

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