Natalia Chaban from MediaCom on performance-led growth

Our guest on this week’s Agency Dealmasters podcast is someone truly on the bleeding edge of performance marketing. It’s truly a pleasure to welcome MediaCom’s Digital Director of Performance, Natalia Chaban.

With over 15 years of experience in media advertising technology and innovation, and an impressive position at Campaign’s Media Agency of the Decade, Natalia has a deep understanding of digital media platforms, data platforms, digital media analytics, data warehousing and emerging digital media technologies.

Listen to our conversation with Natalia if you’re interested in anything to do with:

🔸 The state of performance marketing

🔸 The importance of reach vs targeting

🔸 How to influence mass audiences

🔸 Performance frameworks

Enjoy the chat!

Making sense of the media landscape

The media space has evolved over the last 5 to 10 years. It’s not just where to put your money, but about understanding bigger partnerships as part of a company’s strategy. The right partnerships allow you to be quick on your feet in trying out the latest technology, says Chaban.

Targeting vs reach

Chaban sees targeting as an opportunity to learn – this includes how to communicate a message to an audience and different audience types. Reach is always important but narrow targeting allows different messages. You get to understand your audience better.

Loyalty and brand love

The ultimate objective for most brands is growth. Growth requires new customers but you need a balance – that means time and effort to maintain existing ones and to acquire new ones. It’s no good only focusing on bringing in new customers and neglecting those who are already loyal to the brand.

How do brands build mental availability?

Chaban shares that the industry is turning back to a focus on brand awareness. However, if you want to do good old brand building, you need a holistic approach where you tailor a message to the audience along with the core brand voice.

Remember, communication should always be clear. Creative is at least 50% of the impact but it’s also important how you deliver that message. Media can be an enhancer, or can inhibit creativity.

Yes, but can you measure it?

Measurement is the basis for everything and analytics help you to plan. Chaban says companies should use this to discover what they can optimise. You need to consider short-term and long-term impact. 

Testing is a big and powerful tool that isn’t used enough as a measurement technique. What’s great is that more or less in real time, you can understand what works best and adapt accordingly.

The future of advertising in the modern world

It would be amazing to own and control our personal data, suggests Chaban, as this would allow more open relationships between people and advertisers. Technology does make this possible in many ways already, so watch this space.

With advancements in technology, it can feel like the world is always changing. This has many benefits for the media industry, but it’s also reassuring that some things do stay the same. Measurement, partnerships and brand building – nothing new here but still some of the most effective tools in moving onwards and upwards.

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